Root Canal Before and After

One typical dental procedure to save a tooth that is broken is a root canal. Further, the tooth root must be cleaned, the pulp inside the teeth must be removed, and the filling material must be filled. Many people fear getting a root canal and often delay seeking treatment.  Usually, it is reputed as a painful treatment, but with modern technology, it has become efficient and more comfortable.  It relieves the pain and prevents your natural teeth from further damage. it has become a modern dentistry technique but was not available as a treatment option.   In this article, we will discuss root canal before and after.  We will explore the signs of needing a root canal.

Signs of needing a root canal

Symptoms of needing a root canal may be OK initially, but they become more evident with time. it performs when the nerve or inside pulp is damaged. The sharp pain does not go with painkillers.  These symptoms cannot be ignored.  It includes more:

  • Pain, especially when chewing and applying pressure on damaged teeth.
  • Swelling around the tooth due to pus accumulation inside and outside the mouth.
  •  A dark spot on the tooth
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold temperature
  • A bad taste in the mouth
  • Discoloration of the affected tooth

After declaring these symptoms, it requires immediate medical treatment. Otherwise, long-term symptoms may lead to severe infections, nerve damage, gum diseases, and damage to nearby teeth.

Before the root canal

Before the invention of it, many people experienced tooth pain, and teeth extraction was only a procedure for those suffering from tooth damage. The process involved the removal of the teeth and also had specific effects on patient oral health and quality of life. But with the advancement in technology, it becomes possible to treat damaged teeth.

Now root extraction has become popular as an alternative to extraction and offers many advantages to the patient for healthy living. Typically, it involves, a dentist will examine your teeth and gums. Then an x-ray performs to see the actual damage. The dentist determined the need for root canal. Before undergoing any treatment, communication is necessary for understanding the whole procedure will help to make a comfortable experience.

After the root canal

After the root canal, the common experience is pain and discomfort for days. So, following and understanding these steps for proper healing and avoiding complications is important.  This is because the dentist removes the nerve of your teeth, which can cause sensitivity. However, there are some ways for a speedy recovery.

Firstly, following proper oral hygiene techniques after a root canal is essential.  Flossing once a day time and brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste will help in the healing process. Moreover, avoiding hard foods for many days can avoid further damage in the nurse’s area.

Secondly, painkillers suggested by the dentist reduce swelling and pain in the treated area.


In conclusion, root canals are an effective method to save infected and damaged teeth. Over the years, the procedure has gained a bad reputation but, with the advancement in technology made it smoother and less painful. After getting a root canal, the patient may feel some sensitivity and soreness but it last for a few days. It improves your overall dental health.

After completing the procedure, you will feel improvement in the functionality of your teeth. The patient gets relief and feels comfortable. With the proper care, a tooth with a root canal treatment may survive for many years and offer a strong, and healthy smile. It is best to see your dentist immediately if you are in pain again. Your health is worth it!

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